ERP Readiness



Leading global provider in Life Science solutions with over 50 years of operation in the manufacture of precision-engineered laboratory housing, washing & sterilization, and contamination controls equipment. This leading-edge company was operating on a decades old ERP platform plagued by huge functionality gaps and nearly nonexistent options for continued support. They knew a change was needed but also knew they weren’t ready for the marathon that is an ERP implementation.


Utilized our proprietary “ERP Readiness Assessment Framework” to bear to rapidly assess the customer’s level of preparedness for the journey ahead. The IT Ally ERP Readiness Assessment measures a company’s ERP readiness across six dimensions: Leadership, Governance, Program Management, Resourcing, Communications & Value Management. It further identifies the steps required to close any gaps, mitigate risks and set the program up for success.


Our approach to ERP Readiness helped the client identify & eliminate common “failure modes” associated with ERP implementations while steering them clear of unnecessary risks and enabling and accelerating success drivers. When they subsequently launched their ERP initiative they had a solid and actionable plan for success, were fully aware of the gaps they needed to close before implementation, and a fully functional ERP program governance model, with every member fully engaged in their role. In a few short weeks they bridged the gap from “we don’t even know what we don’t know” to fully aware and ready to take on ERP.

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